Riverside Dental Practice
Patient Information
Access Statement & Business Continuity Policy
The Riverside Dental Practice is committed to equality and diversity in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2005. We are situated on the ground floor and therefore can accommodate wheelchair access for dental appointments. However the toilet facilities and waiting room area are down a short flight of stairs and there is no lift on site.
For visually impaired patients, we offer the opportunity to have an escorted tour of the public areas of the practice to help to familiarise them with the layout of the building.
Please contact us on 020 8788 3341 for further assistance, and do let us know at the time of booking your appointment so we make any necessary arrangements to accommodate you.
If for any reason we are unable to provide the service to patients we will, where possible provide patients with details of an alternative local treatment facility
Patient Complaints Procedure
It is our aim to always have satisfied patients, to meet your expectations of care and service and to resolve any complaints as efficiently, effectively and politely as possible. We take complaints very seriously, we investigate them in a full and fair way and take great care to protect your confidentiality. We learn from complaints to improve our care and service. We will never discriminate against patients who have made a complaint.
If you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our care or service please let us know as soon as possible to allow us to address your concerns promptly.
Mrs Sebi is the Complaints Manager and will be your personal contact to assist you with any complaints. If your verbal complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction within 24 hours or if you complain in writing, the Complaints Manager will acknowledge it in writing within 3 working days and will aim to provide a full response in writing within 10 days.
If the Complaints Manager is unavailable, we will take brief details about the complaint and will arrange for a meeting when the person is next available. We will keep comprehensive and confidential records of your complaint, which will be stored securely and only be accessible only by those who need to know about your complaint.
If the complaint investigation takes longer than anticipated the Complaints Manager will keep you informed of the reason for the delay, the progress of the investigation and the proposed date it will be completed.
When the investigation has been completed, you will be informed of its out come in writing and invited to a meeting to discuss the results and any practical solutions that we can offer to you. These solutions could include replacing treatment, refunding fees paid, referring you for specialist treatments or other solutions that meet your needs and resolve the complaint.
We regularly analyse patient complaints to learn from them and to improve our services.
If you are still unhappy about your NHS complaint, you can contact
â–ª In England = the Parliamentary Health Ombudsman (England): by calling 0345 015 4033 or visiting www.ombudsman.org.uk
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